Observatori de l'Ebre

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Observatori de l'Ebre

Roquetes, dimecres, 26 de juny de 2013. The Observatory will organize the second edition of the ludic-scientific activity “Jazztronomia” for the upcoming Friday 5 of July. The current edition will consist of 4 events; a guided visit around the Observatory facilities, dinner accompanied by music, live concert by the group Jazz Trio Benjamin Leon and astronomical observation. This year we offer the opportunity to attend the concert and astronomical observation only. This activity will be sponsored by: : Obra Social La Caixa , Buil & Giné, Priorat Natur, Vidirecte.cat, Centre d’Ambulàncies Baix Ebre, Valldeperez, La Flor de la Llar S.C.C.L., Antena Caro, La Veu de l’Ebre, Indalo Color Digital, Boix Verd .
You may call at 977500511 or visit the web site of the Center for getting more information and details.