Observatori de l'Ebre

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Ebre Observatory data portal

Ebro Observatory seeks candidates with PhD in physics or equivalent to perform tasks assigned to the research project TechTIDE of the call for Competition of the European Space sector of technology and Science H2020 COMPET-5: Space Weather.

 Description of the profile:

Ebro Observatory requires a PhD in physics with experience in research in the field of geomagnetism and aeronomy, especially in the study, detection and characterization of magnetic and/or ionospheric disturbances and their relationship with Space weather phenomena. It is essential a long experience with geophysical data processing and analysis, and programming skills, preferably with matlab or fortran. Work experience in international team and dissemination of research in articles at conferences and in publications in indexed journals an advantage. Experience in preparing technical reports an advantage also. Knowledge of Catalan and/or Spanish is necessary, and it is essential to have a good level of communication in oral and written English.

Responsibilities and duties:

The candidate hired will be integrated in the subline of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy to perform tasks in the framework of the project TechTIDE. In particular, the candidate will be involved in support and to the design of tools for automatic detection of ionospheric disturbances, to extract their amplitude, velocity and direction of propagation and in the study of their mechanisms of origin and evolution over time. The candidate will participate also in the dissemination activities of the project results by preparing articles in conferences and scientific publications, and it will be required to prepare progress reports.


Approximately 1.920,00 € gross per month.

Type of contract:

Temporary full-time contract (37,5 hours a week).

Contract period:

Eight months, expandable to thirteen depending on value and results.


  • Ad Posting Date: 12/01/2018.
  • Deadline for submitting applications: 13/02/2018.
  • Selection process: 14-20/02/2018.
  • Start of the contract: 22/02/2018 approximately.
  • Completion of the contract: 21/10/2018 approximately.

Application process:

The applicants must send the following documents to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. putting the word TECHTIDE2018 in the subject.

  • Motivation letter.
  • Reference letters (including e-mail and contact phone) (optional).

If necessary, personal interviews (face-to-face or remote) could be conducted.

Resolution (20/02/2018):  The contract is awarded to Dr. Antoni Segarra, the only candidate presented.