Observatori de l'Ebre

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Ebre Observatory data portal

The observational work done at the Ebro Observatory is twofold. On the one hand, observations are done with the best possible quality and precision. On the other, the already existing databases are continuously maintained and debugged. These observational activities are closely related to the scientific research realised at the Observatory, assuming that the best situation to generate useful data products for the scientific community is the one in which the scientists design and evolve the strategies for obtaining the parameters needed by their community.

Thus, a wide range of observations are done at the Observatory, in the fields of solar science, meteorology, seismology, geomagnetism and aeronomy. The fact that these observations are available in international databases used by the international scientific community, some in realtime and others after treatment, give them an added value, especially considering that some of these series began in the late nineteenth century.