Observatori de l'Ebre

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Ebre Observatory data portal

logourlanglesOur research is part of the Ramon Llull University's and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas' (CSIC) research programme and is divided into two lines, one of geomagnetism and aeronomy and the other of hydrology and climate change. On behalf of the first line, we study, analyze and measure the variability of the Earth's magnetic flied and ionosphere, both at global and local levels. This research has a long tradition in our center, and whitin its complexity, is unique in Spain and internationally competitive. On behalf of the second line, we mainly study the impacts of climate change on the mainland hydrological cycle, especially in the area of the Ebro basin. This is a newly created line that aims to help to answer the question that society, both globally and within the Terres de l'Ebre, poses in relation to water resources.

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

logo vector csicThe research activity of the group of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy embraces the monitoring and analysis of the variability of the Earth's ionosphere and geomagnetic field. This research activity comprises the following subjects:

  • The investigation of the variability of the Earth's ionosphere caused by solar/geomagnetic activity and meteorological effects of the variability of the earth's magnetic field caused by solar activity and meteorological effects
  • The modelling of the ionospheric parameters for both research and practical applications
  • The regional modelling of the main geomagnetic field and of its secular variation over Europe and Antarctic regions, with extensions to archaeomagnetic applications
  • The development of models for geomagnetic variations of external/solar origin

We carry out topics of research that are unique in Spain and competitive at an international level. Moreover, we manage the observatory's research infrastructure, which enables us to develop specific research based on the deep knowledge of the geophysical variables checked daily and provides value added data and products for other teams.

Hydrology and Climate change

The subline of climate change (atmospheric and hydrological studies) began its activities in October 2008 and, therefore, is emerging at the Ebro Observatory. Our research is centered in the study of the continental hydrological cycle in Mediterranean regions. Our research lays between the scientific communities: the community that studies the observations (meteorological and hydrological), the community that studies and simulates the climate at both global and regional (continent) scales and, finally, the community that studies the impact of climate changes on systems linked to the water cycle, for example, aquatic ecosystems or agricultural systems.

The aim of our research is to create knowledge and tools that allow us to better understand the water cycle on the continental surfaces, and also allowing us to use transfer information generated by climate simulations of the global and/or regional system to studies at the local or basin scales.