Space weather products *: 25/Mar/2025
Data updated every 12 minutes. This is the result of an automatic process. As such, the following plots might be based on wrong data, such as magnetically polluted data, spikes, or data resulting from temporal malfunction of the acquisition system.
* On the top we show the tri-hourly K indices of magnetic activity, calculated from the variations of the horizontal Y (East) and X (North) components of the magnetic field, which are found below (in blue). From these records we obtain the derivatives dY/dt and dX/dt (in black) and with these, using the model of electrical resistivity of the Iberian lithosphere (ERMIL) developed by the Institut de Recerca Geomodels of UB, the North (Ex) and East (Ey) components of the electric field (in red) respectively at a location close to the Ebre Observatory site, which are directly related to the appearance of geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) in certain technological systems, such as high-voltage power networks. In each transformer of the network the induced current can be calculated from these Ex and Ey for the whole country, and taking into account the topology and the resistances of the network and of the transformers themselves. The graph below (in purple) shows the GIC predicted in a specific transmission line of the Spanish 400 kV grid close to the Observatory. The network model has been made by Ebro Observatory in collaboration with Red Eléctrica de España (more info) thanks to the IBERGIC project.