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Roquetes, Thursday, April 04, 2013. The Ebro Observatory (Universitat Ramon Llull - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) jointly with the Municipality of Roquetes and the “Institut d’Estudis Catalans” organizes several events to commemorate the centenary of the birth of the science magazine Ibérica (1913 - 2004) and highlight the heritage leaved by the magazine for his ninety-one years of history. The first activity will be a conference –“La revista Ibérica: acostar la ciència i la tecnologia a la societat”– by Dr. Antonio Roca Rosell, Professor of History of Science and Technology of the Technical University of Catalonia, to be held in the auditorium of Roquetes City Hall on April 13th at 12:00. Then, at 18:30 on April 13th and in the Library of Ebro Observatory, will open the exhibition “Ibérica: divulgació, ciencia i enginys”. This activity will be lead by the director of Observatory, Dr. Juan José Curto, the mayor of Roquetes, Hon. Sr. Francesc Gas, and the scientific secretary of “Institut d’Estudis Catalans”, Dr. Ricardo Guerrero. Afterwards, Ms. Maria Genescà, head librarian of the Observatory and commissioner of the exhibition will present the digital library of the magazine Ibérica. The exhibition will be open on April 14th and 15th from 10:00 to 15:00 and every weekday from April 16th to May 10th from 15:30 to 18:30.

Magazine Ibérica was born in 1913 and was created by Father Cirera, also founder of the Ebro Observatory, with the aim of spreading weekly the cience and technology knowledge of the time. The project was a pioneer in Spain and managed to stay ninety-one years for which documented the technological revolution of the twentieth century. The exhibition “Ibérica: divulgació, ciencia i enginys” tells the history of the magazine since its inceptions in the Observatory (1913-1925) until his final stage in Barcelona (1925-2004) and it highlights the editing work, the main contributors and the role played by the magazine as a tool of scientific disemination.

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