Roquetes (Baix Ebre), 4th of November 2013 -- On the occasion of the 18th Week of Science the Ebro Observatory organizes the traditional Open Day.
The Open Day, to be held on Sunday the 17th of November at 11:00, will consist of three activities : a lecture, an experimental workshop and a tour of the facilities of the Observatory.
The lecture, given by Dr. Carmen Llasat (Universitat de Barcelona), is titled "The Ebro Observatory : a key piece of the history of meteorology in Catalonia". Dr. Llasat will present the history of meteorology in Catalonia, emphasizing the important role of the Ebro Observatory.
The experimental workshop will revolve around the concepts of atmospheric pressure and vacuum. In it, attractive experiences that will be realized will allow us to better understand the role played by the atmospheric pressure in our lives.
Finally, the day will end with the traditional tour of the facilities of the Observatory.
The above activities are directed to the general public and the access is free, no registration is required. However, the lecture room has a limited capacity of 150 people. For more information, please call at 977 500 511 or write to