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Requirements - Admission - Registration - Fees and funding


In accordance with Royal Decree 99/2011, 28 January, the general requirements for admission to the doctoral program are:

a) To hold an official Spanish undergraduate degree or equivalent, and a university master’s degree.

b) To hold an official Spanish university degree or from another European Higher Education Area country which qualifies the student for admission to a master’s degree, in accordance with article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, 29 October, and to have obtained a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in the total official university studies, of which at least 60 should be at master’s degree level.

c) To hold an official Spanish undergraduate degree with a minimum of 300 ECTS credits, in accordance with the regulations of community law. Said graduates will have to study the complementary study courses as mentioned in article 7.2 of this regulation, except when the study program of the corresponding degree qualification includes research training credits, equivalent in level to the research credits from master’s degree studies.

d) To hold a qualification obtained in accordance with foreign education systems, which does not need to be accredited, agreed by this university to be the equivalent level of an official Spanish master’s degree, and which would qualify the holder for admission to a PhD program in the country where it was obtained. This does not mean, however, that any academic qualifications held by the candidate will be accredited or officially recognized in this country other than for admission to the doctoral program.

e) To hold another Spanish PhD obtained in accordance with previous university ordinances.


In order to enroll on the doctoral program, the candidate has to be interviewed by the coordinator of the program. Admission will depend on this interview and

a)     on the candidate’s CV

b)    a request form ( free format)

c)     a letter of recommendation (if applicable)

Those characteristics which provide reasonable evidence of the candidate’s potential as a researcher will be considered an asset:

  • Academic record and qualifications
  • Experience in research methodology
  • Sills in some of the areas of knowledge  within the areas of research of the research groups
  • Motivation about the thesis development and working plan
  • Other merits

The Doctoral Program Academic Committee (CAPD) is ultimately responsible for deciding whether a candidate is eligible for admission, in accordance with the described selection criteria.

Students wishing to enroll in the Doctoral Program on a part-time basis must meet the same admission requirements as other students.


After the interview with the Coordinator of the program, a proposal containing the tutor name and, if possible, the director’s thesis name as well as the additional training courses that the candidate must attend, should be written and moved to the Doctoral Program Academic Committee.

The program Coordinator will write a report of acceptance, non-acceptance or provisional acceptance (in case of additional training) to make the PhD student acquire the requirements to enroll the doctoral program.  This report should be validated by the Academic Committee.

Once the candidate has been accepted, he or she should formalize the enrollment to the doctoral studies. Once the application has been verified it will be processed. Finally, the candidate will then need to pay the corresponding fees to formalize the enrolment.

It is the responsibility of the overseas student to ensure that he/she holds all the necessary documentation required for the period of residence in Spain while studying for a PhD at La Salle or the Observatori de l’Ebre.

Fees and funding

For information about enrollment fees, grants and discounts, speak directly with the Coordinator of the doctoral program - geophysics speciality (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).