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The mission of the hired person is to work on the tasks of the MIRA project (PGC2018-096774-B-I00) focused on the study, detection and characterization of magnetic and/or ionospheric irregularities and its relationship with Space Weather events.


Deadline for applications: March 18th, 2021 at 23:59.

Title of the topic

Study of ionospheric irregularities caused by solar activity.

Host institution

Ebro Observatory – Ramon Llull University

Roquetes (Tarragona), Spain



Dr. David Altadill (Observatori de l’Ebre-URL)

Financial Framework

MIRA project (PGC2018-096774-B-I00)

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCIU), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and FEDER


The gross monthly salary is 2125,00 €.

Duration of the contract

Duration of 8 months that could be extended according budget availability, with a trial period of 1 month

Expected starting time

From April 19th

Profile of applicant

  • Training in geomagnetism and aeronomy.
  • Experience in the study, detection and characterization of ionospheric and/or magnetic disturbances and their relationship with Space Weather events.
  • Experience with geophysical data processing and analysis.
  • Programing skills, preferably with Fortran and/or Matlab.
  • Work experience in international team and dissemination of research in articles at conferences.
  • Experience in preparing technical reports
  • Knowledge of Catalan and/or Spanish is necessary, and it is essential to have a good level of communication in oral and written English.

Description of the topic

The mission of the hired person is to work on the tasks of the MIRA project (PGC2018-096774-B-I00) focused on the study, detection and characterization of magnetic and/or ionospheric irregularities and its relationship with Space Weather events.

The person hired will process data, carry out simulations and models, analyze the results, write reports and may write scientific articles, participate in international scientific conferences and make scientific stays in national and / or international research centers related with the research about ionospheric irregularities carried out at the Observatori de l’Ebre.

Description of the project

This project aims to provide new knowledge and applicability on the climatological behavior of the ionosphere and, specially, on the short-term ionospheric disturbances or irregularities (< a few hours), but with great impact on systems based on radio-propagation technologies, and caused by severe Space Weather events originating in the Sun, taking advantage of the group’s abilities and its observation infrastructure.

The main objective of this project is based on the multidisciplinary investigation of climatology and ionospheric meteorology related to Space Weather events. The specific objectives are:

1. To detect and study the ionospheric absorption of radio signals in HF as a possible indicator of energetic solar emissions (X-rays). Determination a relationship between the absorption suffered, the energy emitted and local time.

2. To progress in the automatic detection of the Sfe through the combined analysis of ionospheric and magnetic data.

3. To detect, characterize and monitor the propagation of ionospheric disturbances by applying spectral analysis methods. To estimate the propagation of the TIDs by interferometry methods. Analyze the relationship of TIDs with severe Space Weather events.

4. To improve the detection, characterization and modelling of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles and its relationship with severe Space Weather events.

5. To use the capacity of the DPS-4D system operated at Observatori de l’Ebre to evaluate the variability of the tilt angle and to identify irregularities (TIDs) and ionospheric gradients by independent techniques.

6. To improve the International Reference Model (IRI) by optimizing the prediction models that define it and actively participate in the organization of activities dedicated to this purpose.

7. To analyze potential precursors of ionospheric irregularities related to Space Weather events. To study the rate of reception of cosmic rays (CR) and its potential use as a precursors of severe Space Weather events.


To be admitted to this selection process, candidates must meet the following requirements om the deadline for submitting applications:

  • Be nationals of any member state of the European Union or, in the case of citizens of countries that are not members of the EU, prove legal residence and work permit in Spain.
  • Be of legal age.
  • Prove official graduate degree in Physics or similar.


Interested persons who meet the requirements, can request their incorporation into the offer by sending an e-mail to the electronic address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. including the code “MIRA2021OE” in the subject.

The deadline for submitting applications is March 18th of 2021 at 23:59 official time in peninsular Spain.

With the application submitted to take part in this process, the candidate declares that he/she meets the requirements established in the THIRD section of the rules (see below), attaching the following documentation:

  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Graduate degree.
  • Photocopy of the national ID card, Passport or any other legal identity document in European Union.
  • Letter of motivation accrediting his/her interest to occupy the job, no more than four pages long.
  • Letters of recommendation (optional)
  • List of scientific publications of the candidate (doctoral thesis, project reports and/or scientific articles). In the case of reports, the doctoral thesis and articles that have not been published in open access mode, an electronic copy of the documents will be attached.

By submitting the application, applicants consent to the processing of personal data that are necessary to take part in this call and for the processing of the selection process, in accordance with current legislation.

Complete rules

The complete rules of this call can be found at:



For any enquiry, please contact Dr. David Altadill (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Dr. Antoni Segarra (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) adding MIRA2021 into the subject line.


MIRA01   MIRA02   MIRA03