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Announcement for temporary job acting as official, with a trial period of 6 months, for a Researcher hired as a PhD for the Ebro Observatory Foundation (OE). The mission of the hired person is to work in the GRGeo group of the OE to develop the research, knowledge transfer and dissemination activity carried out by the OE, as well as support for OE observational activity linked to the Sub-line of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy.

 Deadline for applications: August 17th, 2021 at 13:00.

Title of the topic  GRGeo research group from the Ebro Observatory, sub-line of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 
Host Institution

Ebro Observatory – Ramon Llull University

Roquetes (Tarragona), Spain


Supervisor  Dr. David Altadill (Ebro Observatory - URL)
Financial framework Ebro Observatory Foundation
Salary  The gross annual salary is 27.600,00 €. 
Duration of the contract Temporary acting as official, with a trial period of 6 months 
Expected starting time  September 2021 
Profile of applicant
  • Training in geomagnetism and aeronomy
  • Research experience in the study, characterization and modeling of transient phenomena in the Earth’s magnetic field and ionosphere; and its mechanisms of external origin, in transient phenomena of solar activity (space weather), and/or internal, in transient phenomena of atmospheric coupling (atmospheric weather).
  • Experience with geophysical data processing and analysis. Accreditation of the ability to develop data and value-added products of interest to characterize transient phenomena in the Earth’s magnetic field and ionosphere will be valued.
  • Knowledge of working with different OS and scientific programming skills in Fortran, Matlab, or similar.
  • Experience in writing scientific articles and participating in international scientific congresses.
  • Experience working in international research teams or groups.
  • Experience in regulated university teaching activities.
  • Experience in the characterization and modeling of the impact of transient phenomena on the Earth’s magnetic field and ionosphere in technological systems.
  • Experience in product development and knowledge transfer to mitigate pernicious effects of transient phenomena in the Earth’s magnetic field and ionosphere in technological systems.
  • Experience in preparing and developing research projects to attract funding.
  • Experience in training, dissemination and outreach activities equivalent to those described in Base “SEGONA”.
Description of the topic

The hired person has the mission to work in the GRGeo group of the OE, this mission has the following functions:

  • Research based on the study, analysis, characterization and modeling of physical variables related to Earth’s magnetic field and ionosphere, on a local, regional and global scale.
  • Research, characterization and modeling of transient phenomena in the Earth’s magnetic field and ionosphere, and of their mechanisms of external origin, in transient phenomena of solar activity (space weather), and/or internal, in transient coupling phenomena atmospheric (atmospheric weather).
  • Research, characterization and modeling of the impact of transient phenomena in the Earth’s magnetic field and ionosphere in technological systems.
  • Product development and knowledge transfer to mitigate the pernicious effects of transient phenomena in the Earth’s magnetic field and ionosphere in technological systems.
  • Prepare and develop research projects to attract funding for OE activity.
  • Support for OE observational activity to develop value-added data and products of interest to characterize transient phenomena in the Earth’s magnetic field and ionosphere.
  • Training and education in the Doctoral program in Information technology and management application, Architecture and Geophysics from URL.
  • Visualization, dissemination and outreach of the research and observation activities of the OE (writing reports and scientific articles, and participation in the program of outreach activities of OE).

To be admitted to this selection process, candidates must meet the following requirements on the day of the deadline for submitting applications:

  • Have Spanish nationality, that of any of the members states of the European Union or that of other states to which the free movement of workers applies by virtue of international treaties ratified by Spain. In the case of citizens of countries that are not members of the EU, proof of legal residence and work permit in Spain.
  • Have reached the age of 18 and nor exceed the age of compulsory retirement.
  • Not suffer from any illness or physical defect that prevents the normal development of the corresponding work.
  • Not to have been separated from the service of any Administration or pending entity by firm resolution, through disciplinary file, nor disqualified for the exercise of public functions by final judgement. If you are a foreigner, you must prove that you have a sworn statement or promise not to be subject to a disciplinary sanction or criminal conviction that could prevent you that in your state of origin gaining access to the civil service.
  • Not to be in any of the causes of incapacity for the exercise of the functions of the summoned place or of incompatibility foreseen in the current legislation on the matter.
  • Be in possession of an official Doctorate in Physics or equivalent. In the case of applicants who do not have Spanish nationality, they must prove the approval of the degree required by the Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional. In the case of presenting a degree equivalent to those required, a certificate issued by a competent body accrediting its equivalence must be attached.
  • Be in possession of the certificate of knowledge of proficiency in Catalan (C1). In the case that the established level of Catalan cannot be documented, the applicant must take a Catalan test.
  • Applicants who do not have Spanish nationality and are not from countries where Spanish is the official language must prove that they have a higher level of knowledge of Spanish. Accreditation of this knowledge Will be carried out by passing a test or exercise, or the presentation of one of the following documents:
    • Certificate of having completed elementary school and/or high school in Spain.
    • Diploma in Spanish (higher level or C2) established by Royal order 1137/2002, of 31 October, or equivalent, or academic certification accrediting having passed all the tests aimed at obtaining it.
    • Certificate of aptitude in Spanish for foreigners issued by the official language schools.

Interested persons who meet the requirements, can request their incorporation into offer at the Ebro Observatory Foundation, (C.\ Horta Alta, 38; 43520 - Roquetes), submitting an application indicating as a reference Ref. Investigador/a contractat/da Doctor/a. Applications to take part in the selection process must be submitted, in paper format to General Registry of the Ebro Observatory Foundation from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 13:00 or at post office by registered administrative mail before 13:00 on the last day of the application submission period, or in digital format by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. delivered to the OE server before 13:00 on the last day of the application submission period, including the code “Doctor2021OE” in the subject. In the application submitted to take part in this process, in accordance with the Application Form of the annex of the Bases, the candidates will declare that they meet all the requirements established in the Base TERCERA, they will commit to accredit of reliably the requirements established in the Base TERCERA, and will give consent to the processing of personal data that are necessary to take part in this call and for the processing of the selection process, in accordance with current legislation. The following documentation must be attached to the application:

  • Introduction and motivation letter accrediting your interest in taking up the job, no more than four pages long.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV), specifying contact details and relevant merits of the candidates for this call (see Base QUARTA). Candidates must indicate in their CV, their ORCID code and/or ResearchId, the scientific production index, the impact of their respective authorships (Quartile of journals according to the Science Citation Index in which have been published their articles, and number of citations per article). They will also indicate their contribution to research projects and contracts in which they have participated and the sources of funding; scholarships, awards or recognitions he has received; etc.
  • Research Project proposal. Candidates must submit a research project, specifying the current context, an implementation plan and the expected results within one and two years.
  • Copy of the required documents to prove the knowledge of Catalan and Spanish languages.
  • Letters of recommendation (optional).
Complete rules (Bases) The complete rules of this call can be found at: https://www.dipta.cat/ebop/index.php?op=dwn&tipus=i&data=20210720&anyp=2021&num=6568&v=i
Contact For any enquiry, please contact Dr. David Altadill (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) adding Doctor2021OE into the subject line.