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On March 29 at 09:15 hours and live on YouTube, Jacopo Dari's doctoral thesis will be read, entitled "Towards a better understanding of the anthropogenic impact on the hydrological cycle: detection and estimation of irrigation through remote sensing of soil moisture ", which is directed by Dr. Pere Quintana (Ebro Observatory-URL), Dr. Renato Morbidelli (U. Perugia) and Dr. Luca Brocca (CNR-IRPI).

In this research, methods have been developed to detect and map the areas where it is actually irrigated, as well as methods to estimate the amounts of water that are applied for irrigation; the proposed methodologies use soil moisture data from spatial remote sensing. In this research, two case studies have been adopted: the first is located in the Ebro basin, in the northeast of Spain, while the other is the Upper Tiber basin, in central Italy.

The thesis defence act can be followed live on YouTube.


PhD Defense JD