Observatori de l'Ebre

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Observatori de l'Ebre

  • Title: Towards a climate resilient cross-border mountain community in the Pyrenees
  • Reference: LIFE22-IPC-ES-LIFE-PYRENEES4CLIMA/101104957
  • Period: 2024-2031
  • Total budget: 245,003.25 €
  • Financed by: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • Partners: The consortium formed to develop this project includes the seven territories competent in the matter: Catalonia, Aragon, Navarra, Euskadi, Nouvelle Aquitaine, Occitanie and Andorra; and also participate 41 external beneficiary entities, of different typology: applied research center, universities, specialized public companies, AECT, associations, companies and foundations, among others. Entities that operate in the French regions Nouvelle Aquitaine and Occitanie: Agence des Pyrénées, Conservatoire Botanique National Midi-Pyrénées and Conservatoire Botanique National Méditerranée, Météo France, CNRS, ACAP, CEREMA, Parc National des Pyrénées, in addition to AUDAP in Nouvelle Aquitaine, NEO and ANACEN in Occitanie, and AECT-Pyrénnées that in addition to the two French regions also operates in Aragon. Entities that operate on the southern slope: as a whole CSIC; CREAF-UAB, ICGC, SMC, UPC, UB, and Ebro Observatory all of them in Catalonia; CITA, Fundesa and SEO-BIRDLIFE in Aragon; GAN, NASUVINSA, NILSA, UNAV and UPNA in Navarra; BC3, NATURKLIMA, and NEIKER in Basque Country. Entities that operate throughout the territory: FORESPIR and Red Pirineos Vivos. The CTP-OPCC leads this project coordinating and managing directly the governance and communication works. The project consortium is completed with 7 associated entities: AEMET, ARB-Oc Regional Agency for Biodiversity in Occitanie, AR+I Andorra Research and Innovation, MITECO-Demographic Challenge, Euroregion Pyrenees Mediterranean, ONERC- National Observatory on the effects of global warming, and SIVU du Massif du Pibeste Aoulhet.


LIFE-SIP PYRENEES4CLIMA project aims to implement one of the first cross-border climate change strategies in Europe led by 6 regions and one state in a mountain area through the Pyrenean Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) of the Working Community of the Pyrenees (CTP). The strategy targets a mountain range, the Pyrenees, with one of the highest biodiversity values in Europe and where CC is producing impacts on surface processes, natural resources and economic activities. The Pyrenean Climate Change Strategy 2050, EPiCC, was approved on the 13th of Dec 2021 by the Presidents (highest authority): Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Occitanie, Aragon, Catalunya, Euskadi, Navarra and Andorra,  overing 254.766 Km2 with a population of 23,5 million inhabitants. EPiCC is also participated by the representatives of the Spanish and French Ministries of Ecological Transition. The project is organised on 5 main pillars: understanding climate impacts, increasing resilient natural areas, adapting the mountain economy, protecting the population and territory and enhancing a new governance. The proposalsingularity is a joint commitment, ensuring the multi-sectoral and multi-territorial dialogue to effectively and efficiently address CC policies. This proposal builds on 12 years’ experience of OPCC, a flagship initiative of the CTP, and reinforced by a participatory process (+600 participants). In addition, the CTP-OPCC and the 6 European regions involved are part of the European Adaptation Mission and they are active members of the Adaptation Community of Practice. The consortium involves administrations and recognised entities specialised in the different thematic, representing all the territories, with experience in management and cooperation, and organised in well-defined levels of responsibility, with a medium-long term implementation vision, becoming a real accelerator in the adaptation to CC in mountain regions in Europe, and contributing to the EU Adaptation Mission.