Observatori de l'Ebre

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Observatori de l'Ebre

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Space Weather Products

K-index of geomagnetic activity calculated from our data. (Unrevised automatic process)

Variation of the compass in Roquetes

The compass is oriented according to the magnetic north, not the true one. The magnetic north varies with time. Over the past centuries, in Roquetes, compasses were deviated westward. But this has changed and now they are deviated eastward More information.

Current weather

03/07/2024 07:35
Temperature Humidity Atmospheric pressure
20.6 ºC 49.7 % 1009.8 hPa
Accumulated rain Wind speed Wind bearing
0 mm 7 km/h NE (50º)
Information from the automatic station of AEMET located at Ebro Observatory. These data are provisional and subject to revision.

Weather forecast

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